
Friday, September 10, 2010

Ruffian Spring 2011, Chanel Party

Dear Kristin,
I almost didn't post these guys. I kind of thought they fell below the B- mark (I'm only posting the As and Bs), but as it turns out, I just wasn't paying close enough attention. I'd skimmed their looks when I should have examined them. I'm not saying they're much more than a B- (a C, may I remind you, is average), but there are things to like here:

Things to like: clean military with a bright cobalt blue sash, a robey knotted dress, a liquid gold ankle length, and a structured false camo.  They can get a little chintzy for my present taste, but I do quite like these.  Even if the final look reminds me somewhat of a marriage between the structure of this Calvin Klein and the pattern/idea of this Chanel.

 (Rinko Kikuchi last night in Chanel, this and other fun looks found here
Calvin Klein Spring 09 RTW, found at

Speaking of Chanel, this girl looked great and shiny last night in the designer's wears:

(Love shine.  Blake Lively in Chanel and Louboutins.  Found at, Getty Images.)
J. Benny

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