Dear Kristin,
In a pub in the early afternoon, drinking a coffee, interneting. Eavesdropping. Here's a funny something I've noticed: rarely a day goes by that I don't overhear an America conversation. We're talked about all the time. Interesting, no? Because I can't remember the last time, in America, I overhead an England conversation - and I can't help but worry if that's something of a bad sign. Our not talking about other countries. Like perhaps we don't look around us enough. On the other hand, perhaps I listened for it less in New York. Regardless, one thing I do love here: the America conversations are varied, not one-note, one-feeling, one-subject. Which is also amazing to me. That we would come up in different ways every day.
My two notes today, also a two in one:
The first I saw a French girl wear a version of a few weeks ago, though I couldn't replicate it until my own sweater and skirt arrived in the overseas shipment. The next happened because I was cold.
Also, just so you know, I've been turning this over. Shall we turn it over together?
J. Benny